MSCHE Reaccreditation Process

Fall 2022

  • Self-Study Co-Chairs were selected.
  • Co-Chairs and the College’s Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) attend the MSCHE Self-Study Institute and training.
  • Self-Study Core Team is established to include Co-Chairs, ALO, and Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness.
Spring 2023
  • Steering Committee Chairs and Working Group members are invited to serve. 
  • Working Groups develop lines of inquiry for each MSCHE standard.
  • The Steering Committee drafts the Self-Study Design and circulates it to the College community for feedback and approval.
  • The College submits the Self-Study Design to MSCHE.
  • MSCHE liaison, Dr. Paul Starkey, conducts a visit to the College and approves the Self-Study design.
Fall 2023
  • Working Groups begin to research lines of inquiry while finding evidence for compliance.
  • The Steering Committee circulates preliminary findings for community and public comment.
Spring 2024
  • The Steering Committee, with Working Group support, assembles the first draft of Self-Study Report.
  • The Chair of the Visiting Evaluation Team is identified.
Fall 2024
  • The College community and the Board of Trustees review the draft Self-Study report and provide feedback.
  • The Chair of the Visiting Evaluation Team makes a preliminary campus visit.
January 2025
  • The Steering Committee finalizes and submits the Self-Study report.
Spring 2025
  • The Visiting Evaluation Team visits the College and conducts their evaluation.