Environmental Geology (GLG 115)

Environmental Geology is an examination of geologic processes which have impact upon humans and of the impact humans have upon those processes. Topics such as coastal erosion, flooding, earthquakes, radon, greenhouse effect, water quality, and waste disposal will be investigated. Environmental Geology should be considered by the following students: those needing a lab-science elective, those preparing for a career as an environmental technician, and those considering a Geology major seeking a geology elective. Class time and Saturday field trips will be taken.


The following courses must be taken prior to this course
MAT 080 - Fundamentals of Mathematics, or MAT 011 - Beginning Algebra, or MAT 011B - Beginning Algebra with Review of Arithmetic
Term Location Sections Available
2025 Spring Semester - 15 Week Sections
Blue Bell
2025 Spring Semester - 15 Week Sections