Sound Recording & Music Technology Internship I (SRT 297)

This course is an internship in a college-approved sound recording and music technology facility. It provides an opportunity for students to both experience and increase their understanding of employment within the Sound Recording and Music Technology industry. The course requires students to obtain an internship at a sound recording facility where they work under the direct supervision of a supervisor in the facility for a minimum of 5 hours per week (to a maximum of 15 hours per week or 255 total hours). In addition the student is required to maintain direct and consistent contact with an assigned Sound Recording and Music Technology Program faculty member. Students are rated by the employer on their job performance as part of the evaluation by the Sound Recording and Music Technology Program faculty member.


The following courses must be taken prior to this course
SRT 104 - Introduction to Sound Recording Technology
MUS 140 - Introduction to Digital Music Technology
SRT 159 - Recording Studio Production I
SRT 250 - Sound Recording Technology I
Term Location Sections Available
No Sections Available