Child, Youth and Family Services

Child, Youth and Family Services

  • Degree Type Degree
  • Program outcomesTransferEnter the workforce
  • Area of StudyPublic & Social Services
  • Total Credit Hours64

Human Services - Child, Youth and Family Services

Join the front lines in the fight to aid at-risk children, youth and families. Our Human Services-Children, Youth and Family Services Concentration associate degree program opens doors to such human service roles as intake work, crisis intervention, consumer advocacy, residential counseling and more.

Program outcomes
  • Demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed to work in direct service delivery in human service agencies and programs;
  • Illustrate a clear understanding of human behavior in all age groups;
  • Explain and apply appropriate skills necessary for a micro/macro perspective in human service delivery systems;
  • Assess and summarize concepts of psychological and sociological theories necessary for intervention techniques.


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Explore Careers


Program Curriculum

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General Education Requirements

Course ID Title Credits
ENG 101 English Composition II,W 3
ENG 102 English Composition III,W 3
Elective Quantitative Reasoning 3
Elective Aesthetic Sensibility 3
Elective Scientific Reasoning 4

Major Requirements

Course ID Title Credits
CJS 235 The Juvenile Justice System 3
HSW 101 Introduction to Human ServicesO 3
HSW 102 Theories of Group CounselingO 3
HSW 105/SOC-105 Social Policy and Ethics in Human ServicesE,I 3
HSW 130 or HSW 155 H Introduction to Youth and Family or Introduction to Aging 3
HSW 202 Theories of Individual Counseling 3
HSW 203/PSY-203 Assessment and Documentation in Human ServicesI 3
HSW 205 Volunteer Administration 3
HSW 210 Professional Development in Human ServicesT 3
HSW 211 Human Services Practicum  6
HSW 216/PSY-216 Assessment Techniques for Child/Youth 3
HSW 220 Introduction to Adjunctive Therapies 3
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
PSY 215 Abnormal Psychology 3
SOC 101 Introduction to SociologyC 3

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Full-time sample course schedule

Semester 1

Course ID Title Credits
ENG 101 English Composition I 3
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology 3
HSW 101 Introduction to Human Services and Helping Profession 3
HSW 130 Introduction to Youth and Family 3

Semester 2

Course ID Title Credits
ENG 102 English Composition II 3
HSW/PSY-203 Assessment and Documentation in Human Services 3
HSW 102 Theories of Group Counseling 3
HSW/SOC-105 Social Policy and Ethics in Human Services 3
Quantitative Reasoning Any Quantitative Reasoning Elective 3
HSW 216 Assessment/Tech for Child/Youth 3

Semester 3

Course ID Title Credits
HSW 202 Theories of Individual Counseling 3
HSW 205 Volunteer Administration 3
HSW 210 Professional Development in Human Services 3
PSY 217 Drugs: Use and Abuse 3
HSW 220 Introduction to Adjunctive Therapies 3

Semester 4

Course ID Title Credits
HSW 211 Human Services Practicum  6
PSY 215 Abnormal Psychology 3
Aesthetic Sensibility Any Aesthetic Sensibility Elective 3
Scientific Reasoning Any Scientific Reasoning Elective 4

Part-time sample course schedule

Semester 1

Course ID Title Credits
HSW 101 Introduction to Human Services and Helping Profession 3
ENG 101 English Composition I 3

Semester 2

Course ID Title Credits
HSW 102 Theories of Group Counseling 3
ENG 102 English Composition II 3
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology 3

Semester 3

Course ID Title Credits
HSW/SOC-105 Social Policy and Ethics in Human Services 3
Quantitative Reasoning Any Quantitative Reasoning Elective 3

Semester 4

Course ID Title Credits
HSW 130 Introduction to Youth and Family 3
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
HSW/PSY-203 Assessment and Documentation in Human Services 3

Semester 5

Course ID Title Credits
HSW 210 Professional Development in Human Services 3
HSW 216 Assessment/Tech for Child/Youth 3
PSY 217 Drugs: Use and Abuse 3

Semester 6

Course ID Title Credits
HSW 202 Theories of Individual Counseling 3
Scientific Reasoning Any Scientific Reasoning Elective 4

Semester 7

Course ID Title Credits
HSW 220 Introduction to Adjunctive Therapies 3
HSW 205 Volunteer Administration 3

Semester 8

Course ID Title Credits
HSW 211 Human Services Practicum  6

Semester 9

Course ID Title Credits
Aesthetic Sensibility Any Aesthetic Sensibility Elective 3
PSY 215 Abnormal Psychology 3