‘Racism in America’ lecture series returns to tackle medical racism

By Eric Devlin
Dr. Fran L. Lassiter, Professor of English at Ƶ, Dr. Maranda C. Ward, Assistant Professor of Clinical Research and Leadership at George Washington University’s School of Medicine and Health Sciences, and Dr. Keima Sheriff, Dean of Holistic Support at Ƶ, lead the return of the 'Racism in America' series. This year's lecture focuses on medical racism in the Black and Indigenous populations. Photos courtesy of Dr. Lassiter, Dr. Ward and Dr. Sheriff.

Dr. Fran L. Lassiter, Professor of English at Ƶ, Dr. Maranda C. Ward, Assistant Professor of Clinical Research and Leadership at George Washington University’s School of Medicine and Health Sciences, and Dr. Keima Sheriff, Dean of Holistic Support at Ƶ, lead the return of the 'Racism in America' series. This year's lecture focuses on medical racism in the Black and Indigenous populations. Photos courtesy of Dr. Lassiter, Dr. Ward and Dr. Sheriff.

Following the success of the Richard K. Bennett Distinguished Lectureship for Social Peace and Justice Series presentation “Racism in America” last year, which explored why racism came into existence and how it was constructed, Ƶ and the Lively Arts Series are proud to announce the series’ return.

This three-part online special event will explore medical racism and its impact on African Americans and Indigenous people in the 20th century, Feb. 23, March 2 and March 11. The virtual lecture series is free and open to the community, but tickets are required.

Dr. Maranda C. Ward, Assistant Professor of Clinical Research and Leadership at George Washington University’s , will kick off the first session in the series Wednesday, Feb. 23, at 12:30 p.m. with her lecture “What Is the History of Medical Racism in the 20th Century, and How Did Medical Racism Impact African American Communities?” The session will examine how colonialism in America began the foundation work of scientific racism and white superiority. In addition, she will describe how the supposed “scientifically proven” inferiority of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) populations provided the Europeans with the rational and moral justification for slavery, establishing both scientific racism and white saviorism.

Dr. Ward will then return Wednesday, March 2, at 12:30 p.m. for the follow-up session, “What Are We Doing Today that Proactively Destroys Medical Racism Moving Forward?” This session will discuss the impact scientific racism has had on modern medical research and practices. It will also distinguish between the impact and legacy of medical racism on the trust and willingness of Black and Indigenous communities to participate in medical research and antiracism efforts.

The third session in the series “Hearing and Healing: A Reflection on the Racism in America Series” will be led by Dr. Keima Sheriff, Dean of Holistic Support at Ƶ, Friday, March 11, at 12:45 p.m. This semi-structured discussion will reflect on the themes presented in the previous two sessions in the series and will allow participants to process their thoughts and feelings on what they have learned.

The first two sessions of the series will be recorded for those unable to attend the live presentation.

Brent Woods, Senior Director of Cultural Affairs, said he was very excited to collaborate with Dr. Ward on the series.

“George Washington University is a major medical center and great university, and we are thrilled to welcome Dr. Ward to the community here at Montco,” said Woods. “Dr. Ward contacted me about incorporating parts of our 2021 Racism in America series as part of their Antiracism Educational Curriculum that integrates a community-centered and theory-driven curriculum on structural racism into existing George Washington University training programs and courses for learners across the health professions. The program is designed to help medical students become more sensitive to language they use with patients, help them understand the way medicine has been used in past and be thoughtful about how they can be helpful in healing process.”

The ‘Racism in America’ series is facilitated by Dr. Fran L. Lassiter, Professor of English at Ƶ, who said she was excited to see the program return.

“Last year, the series opened the door to explore and dispel several myths and misconceptions about the history of Black, Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) and the history of the United States. Based on the questions posted during the various lectures, I think that our attendees enjoyed the lectures and gained insight on topics and issues that are often glossed over or simply ignored,” said Dr. Lassiter. “It was a great learning experience for everyone involved, myself included, and I look forward to the next phase of the series.”

Lassiter said given the ongoing pandemic, discussing medical racism and discrimination in health care feels relevant and timely.

“It is my hope that the attendees will gain insight into the history of medical racism that includes the Tuskegee Study of the 1930s, the Henrietta Lacks case in the 1950s, the mass sterilization of Native Indigenous women in the 1970s, and eugenics that served as justification for many of these racist practices. The list goes on and on,” she said. “There are so many issues that are directly, and indirectly, tied to medical racism that I hope we can explore these topics, but more importantly, that we can inspire our attendees to learn more about what can be done to end medical racism and discrimination in health care. These issues cut across racial, gender and economic lines, so it impacts everyone.” 

Woods agreed, adding he hoped through the Racism in America series people would become more aware of how ingrained discrimination is in society.

“These collective discussions help deal with the issue as a whole,” he said. “And because the lectures are strictly virtual, it offers a safe way to talk about an issue that’s really difficult to discuss.”

Last year’s lectures addressed the topics of: “Europeans, Native Americans and Africans: The Origins of Slavery and Race Prejudice in the Americas,” “The Construction of Race: Slavery, the Law, and Society,” “The Construction of Race: Color, Condition, and Citizenship,” ““Abandoned and Violated: African Americans in the Jim Crow South, 1877-1945,” “What Laws Were Created in the 20th Century that Further Perpetuated Racism and How Do These Laws Still Impact Us Today?” “White Fragility and White Privilege: Unpacking the Truth of Racism” “What Are We Doing Today That Continues to Perpetuate Racism and What Can We Do, as a Society, to Proactively Destroy Racism?”

The Richard K. Bennett Distinguished Lectureship for Social Peace and Justice is supported through an endowment made from the William Penn Foundation through the Bennett Fund of the Ƶ Foundation. For more information about the ‘Racism in America’ series and ticket information, visit landing page.