Video Production II (MSP 278)

This course reinforces basic video and film production skills, while the student is introduced to more advanced video and film production techniques. Emphasis is placed on the procedures and processes of preparing for and carrying out a documentary or narrative shoot. Students act as producers-directors. They pitch stories, write treatments and scripts, evaluate the role of the director and producer, produce a one-minute, three-minute, and five-minute project, and submit production books for review. Students individually produce these projects using professional production equipment and techniques. They are faculty and peer reviewed, evaluated, and presented as productions ready for distribution over various student, College, and community-based media.

Search Keyword: Communication


The following courses must be taken prior to this course
MSP 107 - Introduction to Video Production and Literacy with a minimum grade of C
Term Location Sections Available
2025 Spring Semester - 15 Week Sections
Blue Bell