Secondary Education

Secondary Education

  • Degree Type Degree
  • Program outcomesTransfer
  • Area of StudyEducation
  • Total Credit Hours61-63

Earn transferable credits toward a teaching degree

The Secondary Education associate's degree program places you one step closer to a gratifying career as a middle or high school teacher.

Our Associate of Arts degree equips you with the knowledge and transferable credits needed to pursue a bachelor’s degree in education at a four-year institution.

Concentrating on grades 7-12, our program fulfills general education requirements and offers education courses, while helping you narrow down your academic area of focus. Montco's academic advisors, along with instructors, work with you to ensure that your classes align with your transfer school’s requirements.

Once you receive your associate's degree, you are on the path to obtaining your Pennsylvania Department of Education teaching certification.

Program outcomes
  • Integrate the roles, responsibilities and characteristics of successful teachers into a personal educational philosophy;
  • Apply instructional strategies that effectively integrate technology use in the classroom;
  • Determine the challenges that students from diverse communities and families may face and the teacher’s role in supporting all students in the classroom;
  • Differentiate instruction for students that have special learning, physical or language differences.
Clearances for Education Courses

In order for you to participate in certain education courses and to observe classrooms, tutor students, etc., you will need to have background checks done. So that you have your clearances when classes begin, you should apply early for these screenings.

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Explore Careers


Program Curriculum

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General Education Requirements

Course ID Title Credits
ENG 101 English Composition II,W 3
ENG 102 English Composition III,W 3
HIS 203 or HIS 205 History of the U.S. to 1877 or History of the U.S. from 1877C 3
Elective Quantitative Reasoning  (choose two - student may not take ACC 110, MAT 103 or MAT 104 to fulfill this requirement) 6
CMS 110 or CMS 120 Speech Communication or Public SpeakingI,O 3
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
Elective Aesthetic Sensibility 3
Elective Scientific Reasoning 4

Major Requirements

Course ID Title Credits
EDU 100 Introduction to Education**E,I,T 3
EDU 120 Teaching with Technology in Middle Years and Secondary EducationT 3
EDU 213 Working with Children with Special Needs 3
EDU 240 Teaching English Language LearnersE 3
PSY 204 Adolescent Psychology 3
PSY 210 Educational Psychology 3


Course ID Title Credits
Electives* Electives* 15

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Full-time sample course schedule

Semester 1

Course ID Title Credits
EDU 100 Introduction to Education* 3
EDU 213 Working with Children with Special Needs 3
ENG 101 English Composition I 3
HIS 203 or HIS 205 History of the U.S. to 1877 or History of the U.S. from 1877 3
Elective Quantitative Reasoning (excluding ACC 110, MAT-103A and MAT 104)** 3-4

Semester 2

Course ID Title Credits
EDU 120 Teaching with Technology in Middle Years and Secondary Education 3
ENG 102 English Composition II
Elective Quantitative Reasoning (excluding ACC 110, MAT-103A and MAT 104)** 3-4 
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
CMS 110 or CMS 120 Introduction to Speech Communication or Public Speaking

Semester 3

Course ID Title Credits
EDU 240 Teaching English Language Learners 3
Aesthetic Sensibility Any Aesthetic Sensibility Elective** 3
PSY 204 Adolescent Psychology 3
Elective Open Elective** 3
Elective Open Elective** 3

Semester 4

Course ID Title Credits
PSY 210 Educational Psychology 3
Elective** Scientific Reasoning 4
Elective Open Elective** 3
Elective Open Elective** 3
Elective Open Elective** 3

*Check for Required Clearances for Education courses.

**Elective should be based on concentration(s) and transfer institution.

Part-time sample course schedule

Semester 1

Course ID Title Credits
EDU 100 Introduction to Education* 3
Elective Quantitative Reasoning (excluding ACC 110, MAT-103A and MAT 104)** 3-4

Semester 2

Course ID Title Credits
ENG 101 English Composition I 3
EDU 213 Working with Children with Special Needs 3
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 3

Semester 3

Course ID Title Credits
ENG 102 English Composition II 3
HIS 203 or HIS 205 History of the U.S. to 1877 or History of the U.S. from 1877 3

Semester 4

Course ID Title Credits
EDU 120 Teaching with Technology in Middle Years and Secondary Education 3
Elective Quantitative Reasoning (excluding ACC 110, MAT-103A and MAT 104)** 3-4

Semester 5

Course ID Title Credits
EDU 240 Teaching English Language Learners 3
Elective Open Elective** 3

Semester 6

Course ID Title Credits
CMS 110 or CMS 120 Introduction to Speech Communication or Public Speaking 3
Elective Open Elective** 3

Semester 7

Course ID Title Credits
Elective** Scientific Reasoning 4
Elective Open Elective** 3

Semester 8

Course ID Title Credits
PSY 210 Educational Psychology 3
Elective** Aesthetic Sensibility 3
Elective Open Elective** 3

Semester 9

Course ID Title Credits
PSY 204 Adolescent Psychology 3
Elective Open Elective** 3

*Check for Required Clearances for Education courses.

**Elective should be based on concentration(s) and transfer institution.

*Elective should be based on concentration (s) and transfer institution.

**Check for Required Clearances for Education Courses.