Health Care Administration

Full-time Sequence

First Semester
Course Code Course Title # of Credits
OFM-101 OR HCP-100 Business Software Essentials OR
Medical Office Technologies and the EHR
HCP-224 Medical Terminology 3
HCP-114 OR HCP-120 Medical Law and Ethics for Health Care Professionals OR
Ethical Issues Affecting Consumers and the Health Care Professions
HCP-140 Introduction to Healthcare Administration 3
Elective Elective 1 3

Total Credits: 15

Second Semester
Course Code Course Title # of Credits
ENG-101 English Composition I 3
HCP/MAS/BIO-104 The Human Body in Health and Disease 3
MAT-106A Math Applications 3
MGT-111 Principles of Management 3
Elective Elective 2 3

Total Credits: 15

Third Semester
Course Code Course Title # of Credits
ENG-102 English Composition II 3
CMS-110 OR THA-105 OR CMS-120 Introduction to Speech Communication OR
Intro to Acting I OR
Public Speaking
PBH-101 Introduction to Public Health 3
Scientific Reasoning Elective Any Scientific Reasoning Elective 3-4
Elective Elective 3 3

Total Credits: 15-16

Fourth Semester
Course Code Course Title # of Credits
HCP-118 OR MGT-131 OR MKT-111 OR MGT-221 Professional Essentials for a Healthcare Career OR
Human Resources Management OR
Principles of Marketing OR
HCP-200 Healthcare Delivery Systems 3
HCP-221 Cultural Competency in Healthcare 3
Aesthetic Sensibility Elective Any Aesthetic Sensibility Elective 3
Elective Elective 4 3

Total Credits: 15

Program Total Credits: 60-61

Recommend Electives

Complete any 12 credits (from non-developmental courses) that best fulfill your specific transfer requirements and brings the Required Overall credits to the minimum for this program. Depending on requirements of your transfer school, you may want to consider taking some pf the following: ECO 110, ECO 121, ECO 122, ACC 115, ACC 116, MAT 130, MGT 131, MGT 141.

Medical Coding students take HCP 226 Principles of Medical Coding I; HCP 227 Principles of Medical Coding II; HCP 230 CPT Coding and Reimbursement Methods

Medical Office Assistant students take MAS 117 Medical Office Administration

Medical Assisting students take MAS 117 Medical Office Administration: MAS 113 Clinical Assisting I, MAS 123 Clinical Assisting II and MAS 121 Laboratory Procedures in the Medical Office.