Academic Program Advisory Committee

Board of Trustees Policy: 3.8

Date: June 2019

Supersedes: June 2009


To assist in ensuring quality, relevant, coherent and innovative curricula, as well as connection to the broader community and access to public and private funding sources, each academic cluster or program may establish an Academic Program Advisory Committee (APAC). APACs are to be comprised of experts in the respective discipline(s) who by majority represent external constituencies/key stakeholders. These non-governing bodies provide counsel/advice to the faculty and administration without legislative authority or compensation.

Committee Responsibilities

  • Advise on curricula and related academic matters, including Academic Program Review and, if appropriate, accreditation efforts.
  • Provide insight into the competitive environment affecting education in the cluster or program as well as current and projected industry standards, employment competencies, and professional trends.
  • Identify opportunities for faculty and student research, consulting and experiential learning opportunities, and provide a source of guest speakers, site visits, and experiential opportunities for students.
  • Act as ambassadors to inform and educate professional communities about the capabilities of the College.
  • Serve as resources to the College for initiatives such as academic equipment, fundraising, program development, job placement, and student internships.


  1. APACs will be led by a chair from outside of the College and a faculty/staff co-chair.
    1. The chair will be a non-College employee elected by a simple majority of the members of the APAC and serve for a one-year term renewable for up to three terms.
    2. Faculty/staff co-chair will be recommended by the dean of the division in which the cluster or program resides and appointed by the Provost for a three-year renewable term.
  2. The number of members should range from 9 to 15 unless mandated by an accrediting body.
    1. Membership ideally is comprised of diverse demographic representation from academia, business/industry, and the public and private sectors.
    2. Appointment is for a 3-year renewable term with no more than 33% of membership being replaced in a given year.
    3. Members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. Members wishing to serve a third term must be separated from the APAC for a minimum three years.
    4. All members serve at the pleasure of the presiding dean who has the authority to revoke membership for any reason.
    5. Membership must include one full-time faculty member, one full-time administrator, and one alumna/us of the College.
    6. At the discretion of the presiding dean, APACs can include ex-officio members whose position or professional standing qualifies them as an ongoing resource to the APAC.
    7. The Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost will confirm new appointments and charges by August 15th of the academic year.
    8. Each Committee will meet, at minimum, two times per academic year. Based on the needs of the program or cluster, additional meetings may be scheduled as needed.

*Advisory committee guidelines mandated by accreditors supersede the guidelines in this policy.