Academic Renewal

Board of Trustees Policy: 3.2

Date: June 2016

Supersedes: March 2010, May 2001


In an effort to increase educational goal obtainment while reducing barriers to enrollment and progression, Academic Renewal affords current students who have compiled an unsuccessful academic record in the past the opportunity to restart their educational experience.  This policy permits students reset their Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Credits Earned to zero.  


Academic Renewal, a one-time-only option, provides eligible students with an opportunity to restart their academic records by resetting their GPA and Cumulative Credits Earned for past academic performance once they demonstrate recent success.

To be eligible for Academic Renewal, the student must have:

  • never been granted Academic Renewal
  • an enrollment break of 3 or more consecutive years with a GPA less than 2.0
  • completed 15 or more credits after the enrollment break with a GPA of 2.0 or greater
  • met with an advisor or counselor to review Policy including application process


  1. The eligible student, in consultation with an advisor or counselor, must complete the Academic Renewal Application.
  2. The Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost will take action on an Academic Renewal Application within 5 business days.
  3. An approved application will be forwarded to the Office of Records and Registration for processing with student notification made within 5 business days.
    1. Academic Renewal will be earmarked on the official student record.
    2. All courses taken before the enrollment break will be retained on the transcript but will not be used for calculating the GPA or for meeting degree requirements or counting toward attempts, with the following exceptions:
      1. All credits from courses with a grade of "C" or better earned prior to the enrollment break will be carried forward and included in the reset GPA. 
      2. Successfully completed developmental coursework (“C” or better) will fulfill graduation requirements without being included in the carried forward credits.
      3. Transfer and Prior Learning credits are not affected.
  4. An application not approved will be returned to the respective advisor or counselor for follow-up with the student.